Teaching facilities

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This instruction presents the facilities available for teaching and provides information on their use, booking and equipment specifically from the perspective of teaching. Teaching facilities primarily mean the actual teaching rooms of the University of Helsinki, which are booked using the timetabling and facility booking software Optime, but the instructions on this website also touch on other venues used occasionally for teaching (Unitube studios, Examinarium examination rooms, meeting rooms, laboratories and similar). 

Booking facilities used for teaching

Note this when booking and using a facility 

  • In all facility use, please note the principles of using University facilities, which are available internally on Flamma (requires login with University credentials) and, for external parties renting facilities, on the facility presentation pages
  • The person who has booked the facility is responsible for keeping the booking up to date and informing relevant parties of any changes (e.g., teachers and, with regard to last minute changes, porters).  
  • As a rule, facilities can only be booked for the duration of building opening hours. Information on building opening hours is available on the helsinki.fi website Opening hours and, as regards teaching facilities, in the Optime calendar (requires login with University credentials). 

Booking teaching facilities 

Teaching rooms can be booked with the timetabling and facility booking software Optime. Teaching facilities are used not only for teaching, but also for other University events (e.g., public examinations of doctoral theses, conferences), and some are also rented to external customers. As a rule, you cannot book teaching facilities for purposes other than teaching during teaching periods until all rooms required for teaching have been booked, typically by the beginning of June. Exact campus-specific dates will be posted on the Optime front page when plans begin to be made for teaching in the following academic year.     

Internal use:

  • Teaching:
    • Timetabling officers complete facility bookings related to teaching in connection with planning timetables (contact details on Flamma).   
  • Other use:
    • If you are a member of University staff and need teaching facilities for purposes other than teaching (excl. public examinations of doctoral theses and conferences), please submit a booking request yourself using Optime (instructions on Flamma).
    • If you wish to book a venue for the public examination of a doctoral thesis, please contact your faculty’s doctoral student services for detailed guidance on booking the venue.
    • If you require a venue for a scholarly conference, please contact the University’s conference and events team (helsinkiuniconferences@helsinki.fi).  

External use:

  • Customers from outside the University who have questions about teaching rooms and how to book them can contact central facility booking services (tilavaraus@helsinki.fi, phone 02941 24500, Mon–Fri 12.00–13.00). You can also request an event space by filling this form.

The right to book teaching facilities, invoicing 

Teaching facilities are grouped into the following two categories based on the right to book them as well as invoicing practices: 

  1. Facilities in shared use are charged on an hourly basis and can be booked by everyone. 
  2. Designated spaces are those for which units (typically faculties) pay a monthly rent and which can usually be booked only by the unit in question. If another party wishes to use the above spaces, they must ask for permission from the faculty’s timetabling officers and pay an hourly rate. 

Please see the facility pricelist for the University’s internal use on Flamma and for external customers on the website presenting teaching facilities (in Finnish).

Booking other facilities for teaching 

  • Meeting rooms which are also used for teaching are booked in Optime by the timetabling officers. If you require a meeting room for teaching and the room cannot be found in Optime, you can book the room yourself using the Office365 calendar (OWA and Outlook instructions on the Helpdesk website). Some meeting rooms are equipped with a fixed camera and microphone as well as wireless image transfer. 
  • Staff can book Unitube studios in the Office365 calendar (OWA and Outlook instructions on the Helpdesk website). You can also check the booking situation through the calendar links on the Unitube studio instructions website. University staff are entitled to book the studios. If you are a doctoral student, please email the studio contact person to request the right to use the studio. 
  • Instructions for using Examinarium examination rooms can be found on page Examinarium - user instructions. Only students can book these facilities.   
  • Special facilities used in teaching that are not available in Optime are booked in various ways (e.g., using the Office365 calendar or a physical calendar). To book these rooms, please contact the timetabling officers.  

Basic information on individual teaching rooms booked in Optime

For basic information on each teaching room that can be booked in Optime, please see the facility presentation website, Optime and, partly, Flamma as follows: 

The website for the presentation of teaching facilities provides the following information on facilities in shared use: name, seating capacity, type, equipment, accessibility, price for external customers, address, photos, and contact details of building porters and cafeterias/restaurants. For facilities designated to specific units, a presentation website is only available regarding Minerva Plaza at Siltavuorenpenger, which is used by the Faculty of Educational Sciences. 

Optime offers information on all teaching facilities, including those in shared use and those designated to units, as follows: 

  • Name of the facility in the teaching calendar
  • Name and seating capacity of the facility in the facility calendar 
  • Name of the facility under My Reservations 
  • When requesting a booking, the facility name, seating capacity, type, equipment, accessibility and, with regard to facilities in shared use, a link to the facility presentation page 

You can also visit Flamma for further information on the Optime calendars and the booking of teaching facilities for other purposes. You can also find information about certain facilities designated to units on Flamma page Teaching and meeting facilities.

Opetustilojen luokittelu käyttötarkoituksen mukaan (lv 2024-2025 alkaen)

Opetuksessa käytettävät, Optimessa varattavat opetustilat luokitellaan lukuvuoden 2024–2025 alusta lähtien niiden käyttötarkoituksen mukaan viiteen uuteen kategoriaan: 

  1. Lähiopetukseen soveltuvat peruskalustetut tilat 
  2. Lähiopetukseen soveltuvat joustavasti kalustetut tilat 
  3. Lähi- ja hybridiopetukseen soveltuvat peruskalustetut tilat 
  4. Lähi- ja hybridiopetukseen soveltuvat joustavasti kalustetut tilat 
  5. Lähi- ja hybridiopetukseen soveltuvat monimuotoiset tilakokonaisuudet 

Luokittelu koskee yliopiston yhteiskäyttöisiä opetustiloja pois lukien tietokoneluokat. Luokittelu ei siis koske yksiköiden omia eli kuukausiveloitteisia opetustiloja. 

Luokittelussa on huomioitu tilan rakenne, kalustus ja audiovisuaalinen varustelu sekä jaoteltu tilat sen mukaan, minkä tyyppiseen opetukseen tai tilaisuuksiin ne soveltuvat erityisen hyvin. Luokittelu on luotu helpottamaan oikeantyyppisen tilan valintaa erityisesti opetuksen suunnittelun yhteydessä sekä opettajien että lukujärjestyssuunnittelijoiden kannalta.  

Luokittelun toimivuutta arvioidaan lukuvuoden 2024–2025 talvella, minkä jälkeen päätetään sen jatkokäytöstä ja mahdollisesta jatkokehityksestä. Palautetta luokittelun toimivuudesta voi lähettää Optime-tukeen osoitteeseen optime-tuki@helsinki.fi.  

Alla on kuvattu tilakategoriat tarkemmin. Yleistä huomioitavaa:  

  • Kunkin tilan kategoria näkyy toistaiseksi ainoastaan lukujärjestyssuunnittelijoille, yhteystiedot löytyvät Opetusohjelma-sivulta. Asiasta voi olla yhteydessä myös Optime-tukeen: optime-tuki@helsinki.fi.
  • Kunkin tilan varustelut ja muut tarkemmat tiedot voi tarkistaa niiden esittelysivuilta.  
  • Jokaiseen tilaan voi tuoda omia tai yksikön av-varusteita, jolloin tilaa voi käyttää monipuolisemmin kuin mitä siellä olevat varusteet mahdollistavat. Joissain rakennuksissa voi myös lainata varusteita rakennuksen vahtimestareilta, yhteystiedot löytyvät puhelinluettelosta
  • Ohjeessa kuvataan tiloja opetuksen näkökulmasta, mutta samat asiat koskevat myös muita tiloissa järjestettäviä tilaisuuksia.  
  • Ohjeessa hybridiopetuksella tarkoitetaan tilannetta, jossa osa opiskelijoista on paikalla tilassa ja osa osallistuu etäyhteyden kautta.  
  • Etäopetusta, jossa opettaja opettaa tilassa ja opiskelijat osallistuvat etänä, voi järjestää kaikissa tiloissa joko tilassa olevilla laitteilla tai tilaan tuoduilla omilla tai yksikön laitteilla.  
  • Opetustilanteen videointi onnistuu helpoiten tiloissa, joissa on Unitube-luentotallennuslaitteisto.  
  • Lue lisää hybridi- ja etäopetukseen sekä videointiin soveltuvista tiloista luvusta Hybridi- ja etäopetus. 

1. Lähiopetukseen soveltuvat peruskalustetut tilat 

Tilat soveltuvat erityisen hyvin lähiopetukseen, joka perustuu luennointiin ja/tai keskusteluun koko opiskelijaryhmän kanssa.  

  • Tiloissa on kiinteä tai irtokalustus. Irtokalusteisessa tilassa on erilliset pöydät ja tuolit, ja pöydät ovat siirreltävissä apuvoimin.  
  • Projektori/näyttö ja äänentoisto: Lähes kaikissa on. 
  • Opettajan tietokone: Kaikissa on. 
  • Kamera: Missään ei ole. 
  • Mikrofoni: Osassa on mikrofoni esittäjälle.  
Esimerkkejä tiloista

2. Lähiopetukseen soveltuvat joustavasti kalustetut tilat 

Tilat soveltuvat erityisen hyvin sellaiseen lähiopetukseen, jossa tilan halutaan tukevan ryhmätyöskentelyä yhdessä tai useammassa ryhmässä samanaikaisesti. 

  • Tiloissa on muunneltava kalustus eli erilliset tuolit ja pöydät, jotka ovat siirreltävissä helposti. Yksittäisissä tiloissa on ainoastaan tuoleissa kiinni olevat pienet pöydät. 
  • Projektori/näyttö ja äänentoisto: Suurimmassa osassa on. 
  • Opettajan tietokone: Suurimmassa osassa on. 
  • Kamera: Osassa on, tyypit vaihtelevat.  
  • Mikrofoni: Muutamissa on, tyypit vaihtelevat.  
Esimerkkejä tiloista

3. Lähi- ja hybridiopetukseen soveltuvat peruskalustetut tilat 

Tilat soveltuvat erityisen hyvin hybridiopetukseen, jossa ei ole tarpeen jakaa paikalla olevia opiskelijoita ryhmiin kesken opetuksen. Tilat soveltuvat myös lähiopetukseen, joten kaikki tämän kategorian tilat on luokiteltu myös 1-kategoriaan. 

  • Tiloissa on kiinteä tai irtokalustus. Irtokalusteisessa tilassa on erilliset pöydät ja tuolit, ja pöydät ovat siirreltävissä apuvoimin.  
  • Projektori/näyttö ja äänentoisto: Kaikissa on. 
  • Opettajan tietokone: Suurimmassa osassa on. 
  • Kamera ja mikrofoni: Kaikissa on, tyypit vaihtelevat. 
  • Videoviestintälaitteet: Kaikissa on. 
  • Unitube-laitteisto: Lähes kaikissa on.  
Esimerkkejä tiloista

4. Lähi- ja hybridiopetukseen soveltuvat joustavasti kalustetut tilat 

Tilat soveltuvat erityisen hyvin hybridiopetukseen, jossa tilan halutaan tukevan paikalla olijoiden ryhmätyöskentelyä yhdessä tai useammassa ryhmässä samanaikaisesti. Tilat soveltuvat myös lähiopetukseen, joten kaikki tämän kategorian tilat on luokiteltu myös 2-kategoriaan. 

  • Tiloissa on muunneltava kalustus eli erilliset tuolit ja pöydät, jotka ovat siirreltävissä helposti. Yksittäisissä tiloissa on ainoastaan tuoleissa kiinni olevat pienet pöydät. 
  • Projektori/näyttö ja äänentoisto: Kaikissa on. 
  • Opettajan tietokone: Osassa on. 
  • Kamera ja mikrofoni: Kaikissa on, tyypit vaihtelevat. 
  • Videoviestintälaitteet: Kaikissa on. 
  • Unitube-laitteisto: Osassa on.  
Esimerkkejä tiloista

5. Lähi- ja hybridiopetukseen soveltuvat monimuotoiset tilakokonaisuudet 

Monimuotoinen tilakokonaisuus ei välttämättä ole perinteinen yksittäinen tila, vaan se voi muodostua useammasta tilasta tai soveltuu muuten monipuoliseen käyttöön ja mahdollistaa erilaisia vuorovaikutustapoja. Tähän kategoriaan kuuluvat tilat soveltuvat erityisen hyvin sellaiseen lähi- ja hybridiopetukseen, jossa ryhmätyöskentelyllä on keskeinen rooli. Tiloja voidaan pääosin käyttää myös sellaiseen opetukseen, jolle riittäisi 1-, 2-, 3- tai 4-kategorian tila. 

  • Tiloissa on irtokalustus tai muunneltava kalustus. 
  • Irtokalustuksessa on erilliset pöydät ja tuolit, ja pöydät ovat siirreltävissä apuvoimin.  
  • Muunneltavassa kalustuksessa on erilliset tuolit ja pöydät, jotka ovat siirreltävissä helposti. Yksittäisissä tiloissa on ainoastaan tuoleissa kiinni olevat pienet pöydät.
  • Projektori/näyttö ja äänentoisto: Kaikissa on. 
  • Osassa tiloista on useampi näyttö, joiden äärellä ryhmät voivat työskennellä langattomasti, ja ryhmätyöt voidaan koota tilan päänäytölle. Näissä tiloissa on varusteluna Ryhmätyöskentelyjärjestelmä (Cynap). 
  • Opettajan tietokone: Osassa on. 
  • Kamera ja mikrofoni: Kaikissa on, tyypit vaihtelevat. 
  • Videoviestintälaitteet: Kaikissa on. 
  • Unitube-laitteisto: Osassa on.  
Lista tiloista

Capacity, type, furniture and accessibility of teaching facilities available for booking in Optime

Seating capacity 

The seating capacity of each teaching facility is usually defined and indicated in its description. The seating capacity includes all seats located by tables and desks, with the exception of the teacher’s seat. Some facilities also have separate chairs.  

Facility type  

Teaching facilities are split into the following facility types:  

  • Artistic and practical subjects (Siltavuorenpenger only): A room with special equipment suited to, for example, craft teaching.
  • Auditorium, tiered: A teaching facility with tiered and ascending rows of seating.
  • Computer room: A room equipped with PCs or laptops. The computers contain all of the general software used at the university. If you need special software in your class, please contact the IT helpdesk (helpdesk@helsinki.fi) at least four weeks before your class.
  • Laboratory: A facility suited to laboratory work.
  • Lecture room, level floor: A teaching facility with a level floor.
  • Lobby: A lobby or a foyer.
  • Meeting room: A room intended primarily for meetings.
  • Other special facility: A teaching facility that does not belong to the other facility types based on equipment and use.


Teaching facilities have three types of furniture:

  • Modifiable furniture: Separate tables, desks and chair; tables and desks are easily moveable. Some facilities only have chairs with small desks attached.
  • Moveable furniture: Separate tables, desks and chairs; tables and desks can be moved with assistance.
  • Fixed furniture: Fixed tables, desks and benches that cannot be moved.


Teaching facilities are split into three categories based on accessibility:  

  • Accessible: The facility can be accessed with a wheelchair.
  • Partially inaccessible: The facility cannot necessarily be accessed with a wheelchair because of, for example, a narrow lift entrance.
  • Inaccessible: The facility cannot be accessed with a wheelchair.

If you have questions about the accessibility of facilities, please contact the building porter

Equipment available in teaching facilities booked in Optime

Teaching facilities are equipped to meet user needs as comprehensively as possible. The information of the equipment of each facility can be found in Optime and on the website for the presentation of teaching facilities. Description of the equipment:

  • Audio summing (XLR): Audio summing enables summing audio from the facility system into a separate device or for live streaming.
  • Blackboard
  • Camera, fixed: A camera fixed on a wall or ceiling
  • Camera, on a support stand: A camera on a moveable support stand
  • Collaboration system (Cynap): A wireless image transmission system for collaborative work, enabling the transmission of an image on several screens, as selected by the teacher
  • Computers: A PC or laptop available for the teacher
  • Document camera: A digital camera for taking photos of documents or objects and projecting the photos on a screen
  • Drawing tablet (Wacom): A drawing tablet available to the teacher to illustrate and draw on their computer desktop, either in a separate software program or directly on the desktop
  • Extra-large blackboard (only at Kumpula Campus): Three-quarters of the walls equipped with blackboards
  • Grand piano (only at the City Centre Campus)  
  • Induction loop: An aid for people with hearing impairments which transmits speech and other sounds wirelessly to hearing devices
  • Microphone, for participants: A wireless microphone for amplifying audience members’ voices, and the capacity to record speaker audio and deliver it to remote participants
  • Microphone, for the presenter: A desk, hand-held or lapel microphone for amplifying the speaker’s voice, and the capacity to record speaker audio and deliver it to remote participants
  • Microphone, for the whole facility: A microphone mounted on the ceiling or the desk of a groupwork facility that helps to amplify the participants’ voices within the facility and deliver them to remote participants
  • Piano
  • Projector or screen: A projector or screen for displaying an image using the computer
  • Smartboard: A large, interactive touch screen
  • Sockets for at least half of the participants: Sockets are available for at least half the number of seats indicated for the facility. This information is given only for facilities with a minimum capacity of 46.
  • Sound equipment: Loudspeakers
  • Unitube: Unitube recording and live streaming option, microphones and fixed cameras. After the end of the session, the recording is automatically sent to the user’s Unitube Uploader for subsequent use or distribution.
  • Video communication equipment: The fixed camera and microphone in the facility can be used in video conferencing software such as Zoom.
  • Webcam with a microphone: Transmitting video and audio from the teaching session through video conferencing software
  • Whiteboard
  • Wireless image transmission: The capacity to transmit audio and video wirelessly from the user’s own laptop to a projector or screen

In addition to the fixed equipment specified in Optime, you can contact building porters to ask about, for example, separate webcams and throwable microphones.

The AV support team holds monthly support clinics open to all staff interested in exploring and receiving guidance on the AV equipment available in teaching and meeting facilities. You can find more information in the Flamma news (requires login with University credentials, you can request the information from AV support if necessary: av-tuki@helsinki.fi, 02941 24240). 

Hybrid and remote teaching

Hybrid teaching means that some students are present in a teaching room, while others attend teaching via a remote link. Remote teaching means that the teacher and the students are not in the same facility. 

Some University facilities have been equipped so as to enable video recording, live streaming and remote connections. If the description of a facility mentions Unitube or the equipment required for online/remote teaching, it means that the facility has the necessary equipment for both hybrid and remote teaching. If the teacher wishes to use, for example, the Zoom video communications software, but the booked facility has no fixed camera and microphone system, the teacher must bring the necessary equipment with them (e.g., a webcam and a microphone). 

Below you can find information on the facilities and tools available at the University for hybrid and remote teaching. For further information on tools, please see Educational videos and streaming your lectures.

Hybrid teaching and suitable facilities 

Hybrid teaching means that some students are present in a teaching room, while others attend teaching via a remote link. For more information on planning of hybrid teaching, please see Constructive alignment of teaching and the 10 steps of course design.

The easiest way to provide hybrid teaching is to use facilities with fixed equipment (e.g., a camera and microphones) to enable students to watch a Unitube live streaming session or attend via a video communications platform (e.g., Zoom). The latter option makes interaction easier and enables those attending remotely to share their content. In contrast, Unitube live streaming does not enable interaction, which means that a separate channel (e.g., Flinga) must be used for questions and possible activation.  

Facilities suitable for hybrid teaching are classified in Optime under the following categories:

These facilities have fixed video cameras and microphones that produce high audiovisual quality for video communications and recordings. 

If the voice of the participants in the room is to be transmitted to those attending remotely, the facility should also have a fixed microphone solution that covers the whole room or a throwable Catchbox microphone (information from building porters). If neither of the above options is available, a separate spot in the facility may be designated for speakers, using the microphone solutions available.

Rooms with a full-range microphone solution are shown in Optime as being equipped with online / distance learning devices (verkko/etäopetuslaitteet in Finnish). You can view the equipment information of the facilities on the facility presentation pages or when booking a room in Optime (see booking instructions in the section Booking facilities used for teaching).

Remote teaching and suitable facilities 

Remote teaching means that both the teacher and the students attend the session via a remote link only (e.g., Unitube and Zoom). For more information on planning of remote teaching, please see Constructive alignment of teaching and the 10 steps of course design.

When using Zoom, the facility can be selected freely, and it need not be a University teaching room. The teacher can use moveable equipment (e.g., a webcam) or ensure that the facility has the necessary equipment. Facilities suited for hybrid teaching are equally appropriate for remote teaching. NB!   

If teaching is provided using Unitube live streaming, the facility selected must be suited to Unitube use. Such rooms can be found on every campus. Please note that Unitube studios can also be used in remote teaching. When using Unitube, it must be noted that live streaming is a one-way process, so a separate channel (e.g., Flinga or Presemo) must be used for any questions or other interaction.

Facilities suited for recording teaching videos 

Teaching videos can be used as part of remote teaching, and they can be created either separately or during an actual teaching session.  

Often the best option is to create the videos separately in advance because it makes it easier to focus on the process and do retakes if necessary. You should also write a script for your videos to ensure that the message is presented clearly. Videos can be used in many ways during courses: to replace lectures, act as stimuli during teaching sessions, provide instructions, etc.   

You can also record a teaching session as such, but please note that videos lasting a few hours are not necessarily ideal for learning. However, you can use them, for example, when some students are unable to attend teaching or to help students study for an examination. You can also write scripts for shorter sections within a teaching session and later edit them into separate videos for later use. This way, it is easy to produce ready-to-use material, for example, for an online course. 

You can create videos in advance 

  • In a Unitube studio or room from which the videos will be stored in Unitube Uploader. Once stored, the videos can be published either in a restricted Moodle environment or for a wider audience through the Unitube Viewer service. You can download videos from Unitube Uploader, for example, if you need to edit them before publication. 
  • By storing a presentation on Zoom and publishing it as you wish. As a rule, these videos are also published on Unitube Uploader, where access to videos can be restricted for a selected Moodle area.    
  • By storing a presentation using Screencast-O-Matic, which also enables light editing. The primary publication tool for such videos is again Unitube Uploader. 

The easiest way to record teaching sessions is to use teaching facilities with Unitube lecture recording equipment. These facilities are equipped with at least one camera as well as a microphone system that can be used to record videos. Using the Unitube system requires identification with the card you use for printing (e.g., a staff ID card). Thanks to the identification system, the video recording is directed to the right owner in their Unitube Uploader for further processing and publication. 

Zoom can also be used to record a teaching session. For Zoom user instructions, please see Educational videos and streaming your lectures.  

Further information on Unitube can be found on the Helpdesk website Unitube

Information on the accessibility of teaching videos is available on page Digital Accessibility of teaching.

Facilities suited to live streaming 

Facilities suited to live streaming teaching have Unitube lecture recording equipment. The facilities have a fixed camera as well as a microphone system that can be used for recording videos and live streaming. Live streaming is a one-way process, which means that participants cannot ask questions without a separate channel (e.g., Flinga) or contribute to discussions via camera. When using live streaming, it is important to remember that it is always subject to a slight delay. 

Lectures can be followed via a live stream on the relevant live stream site

Using the Unitube system requires identification with the card you use for printing (e.g., a staff ID card). Thanks to the identification system, the video recording is directed to the right owner in their Unitube Uploader for further processing and publication. 

Please note that Unitube studios are also suited to live streaming teaching. 

Further information on Unitube can be found on the Helpdesk website Unitube.

Unitube studios 

The University of Helsinki has three Unitube studios: one in the Kaisa House at the City Centre Campus, one in Exactum at Kumpula Campus and one in Building A at Viikki Campus. The studios can be used during the opening hours for that building. Building porters provide entry to the studios only to those who have booked them appropriately. The studios can be booked by all University of Helsinki staff members, and their use is free of charge for members of the University community.  

The studios are based on self-service. The studios are managed and maintained by the University’s Educational Technology Services, which can be contacted to request orientation and support for new users of the studios. 

The studios and their equipment are suited to the creation of various types of teaching videos (e.g., presentations and small panel discussions) as well as Unitube live streaming. At present, the equipment available in the studios at Kumpula and Viikki cannot be used with video communications software (e.g., Zoom). 

Further information on Unitube studios and contact information can be found on page Unitube studio instructions.

Contact details